carbon offsetting

Through our unrivalled collection of projects around the world, we build portfolios of high-quality, high-impact solutions for clients

What is offsetting?

Carbon offsetting enables business to meet ambitious climate goals, puts a price on carbon to incentivize further action, and provides critical finance to accelerate the world’s transition to a low-carbon future.

Carbon offsetting means purchasing a carbon credit and ‘retiring’ the unit to compensate for greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. When a company has offset, the emissions that it was unable to reduce are equal to the amount of carbon credits retired.

Each of our carbon credits is a transactable environmental unit, representing a tonne of carbon dioxide-equivalent (CO2e) created by projects which are validated to a recognized third-party carbon standard. Carbon credits are retired in a registry, in order for an organization to claim that emission reduction. Carbon credits are given a unique identifier and retirement prevents the credit from being used again.

Why did we choose carbon finance? Carbon finance empowers local communities to develop their own environmental and economic sustainability.
Nicola Acutt, VP, Sustainability Strategy, Office of the CTO at VMware

Highest Quality Standards

We only work with projects that meet the highest standards in our industry and pass our own additional quality requirements. All our projects are independently validated and verified to meet recognized third-party standards, but our commitment to quality goes much further. This is reflected in Environmental Finance naming us as best offset retailer for 10 years running.

Our comprehensive network of project partners gives us access to carbon finance projects in development around the world. All projects must pass additionality tests, demonstrating how they are delivering emission reductions beyond ‘business as usual’ and in a way that would not be possible without carbon finance. What’s more, an extensive due diligence program ensures the quality of every project.

These measures allow us to provide clients with an impactful customized solution that meets the specific interests and goals of their business.

More Than Climate Benefits 

Through carbon offsetting, companies can deliver on many UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Climate Impact Partners uses a robust framework to evaluate carbon finance projects against the indicators established by the UN to measure progress toward 17 SDGs.

Compare how different project types tackle different SDGs on our nature-based solutions, health and livelihoods projects and sustainable infrastructure projects pages.

Offsetting is a valid way to reduce global carbon emissions quickly and cost effectively, because it recognises that there are barriers to an immediate shift to low emission or no emissions business models.
Christiana Figueres, Former Head of UNFCCC

We Build Comprehensive Carbon Offsetting Programs for Clients 

High-quality carbon credits are just one part of a successful carbon offsetting program.

Carbon neutrality
We deliver carbon neutral programs for industry-leading global brands including MetLife, Marks & Spencer, and Microsoft. Our CarbonNeutral® certification provides our clients with a pragmatic framework for carbon neutrality. First developed in 2002 and updated annually to reflect best practice, it is used by companies including HP, Sky, Logitech, and UPS.

We work closely with you to ensure all your communications are accurate and in line with best practice. This protects all the brands we work with and gives you the confidence to talk in a clear and inspiring way about your climate action.

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    Sed vehicula est eros, et gravida felis aliquam interdum. Curabitur faucibus venenatis tincidunt. Ut magna lorem, pharetra quis tellus id, ornare malesuada eros. Proin fermentum augue id mi pharetra, vel eleifend ligula semper. Quisque auctor urna sed nisi maximus viverra. Phasellus tincidunt nec magna a ullamcorper. Sed viverra auctor consequat. Etiam vel lacus dolor. Aliquam tincidunt fringilla leo.

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    • Protect forests – funding management and monitoring schemes that protect this natural source of carbon sequestration
    • Fund renewable energy – displacing fossil fuels from regional and national grids, by funding clean renewable sources such as wind and solar.
    • Tackle household emissions – tackling sources of emissions in households and communities, these projects cut emissions through increasing energy efficiency or reducing use of fossil fuels
    • Planting trees and land restoration – sequestering carbon from the atmosphere storing it in trees and soil. Stabilising soils also reduces the risk of erosion and flooding while an increased forest area aids biodiversity.
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet pulvinar libero. Quisque justo magna, tincidunt sit amet bibendum vel, placerat a felis. In in placerat augue. Donec consequat arcu sed risus egestas vestibulum. Nulla tincidunt dolor eget nisl auctor vestibulum. Vestibulum eleifend arcu vel neque tempor luctus.

    Sed vehicula est eros, et gravida felis aliquam interdum. Curabitur faucibus venenatis tincidunt. Ut magna lorem, pharetra quis tellus id, ornare malesuada eros. Proin fermentum augue id mi pharetra, vel eleifend ligula semper. Quisque auctor urna sed nisi maximus viverra. Phasellus tincidunt nec magna a ullamcorper. Sed viverra auctor consequat. Etiam vel lacus dolor. Aliquam tincidunt fringilla leo.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec sit amet pulvinar libero. Quisque justo magna, tincidunt sit amet bibendum vel, placerat a felis. In in placerat augue. Donec consequat arcu sed risus egestas vestibulum. Nulla tincidunt dolor eget nisl auctor vestibulum. Vestibulum eleifend arcu vel neque tempor luctus.

    Sed vehicula est eros, et gravida felis aliquam interdum. Curabitur faucibus venenatis tincidunt. Ut magna lorem, pharetra quis tellus id, ornare malesuada eros. Proin fermentum augue id mi pharetra, vel eleifend ligula semper. Quisque auctor urna sed nisi maximus viverra. Phasellus tincidunt nec magna a ullamcorper. Sed viverra auctor consequat. Etiam vel lacus dolor. Aliquam tincidunt fringilla leo.

  • Climate reduction projects can range from nature-based solutionsimproved household technology to renewable energy solutions.

    Some projects prevent carbon emissions entering the atmosphere, such as those that replace devices using fossil fuels with cleaner technology (clean cooking). These are often known as carbon avoidance projects.

    Other projects take CO2 out of the atmosphere, such as planting trees to sequester carbon. These are known as removals projects.

    The positive impact from emission reduction projects is not just for the climate. Many projects also deliver positive outcomes for local communities, economies, health and the natural world, contributing to the UN sustainable development goals.  Funding emission reduction projects by purchasing carbon credits helps provide necessary finance to sustain the project.

    We deliver some of the largest carbon offsetting programs in the world and have supported over 600 projects in more than 56 countries.  We work with project partners around the globe to create and scale carbon reduction projects. We can help you offset carbon emissions through the right mix of projects, that meet the objectives of your organization.

    Explore our projects.